Second Rate Thoughts

Location: Denver, CO, United States

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


It feels good. It's not overwhelming, but it is all encompassing, if that makes sense. It's not a strong, specific emotion like anger or joy- much more peaceful. It's basically the bizarro version of apathy(see depression), or I should say apathy is the bizarro version of contentment. This is my typical state of mind, which I'm so thankful for. I attribute it to God. I would say that I rest in this state about 85% of the time. The remaining 15% is split between depression, joy, anger, excitement, anxiety and so on.

Thursday, February 09, 2006


How does anger feel? Well, it's not too far from depression although not quite as apathetic, and my mind races a little more (if you could ever consider what my mind does as racing.) Then there is the underlying urge to beat someone up- which is a little weird since I'm a relatively peaceful person and I haven't been in a fight in just over a decade. Hmmmmm... It's gone. I'm no longer angry so I can't really write about it anymore.